Stink Hamlet and Cheese by Megan McDonald is a delightful children's book that follows the adventures of Stink Moody, a curious and imaginative boy with a passion for Shakespeare. When Stink's school decides to put on a production of "Hamlet," he is determined to land the role of the infamous Yorick, despite his classmates' doubts. With the help of his friends, including his pet newt, and his quirky family, Stink navigates auditions, rehearsals, and Shakespearean language, all while discovering the true meaning of friendship and the power of believing in oneself. Full of humor, heartwarming moments, and Shakespearean flair, "Stink Hamlet and Cheese" is a charming tale that will captivate young readers and inspire them to embrace their passions.
This 25 page resource includes:
Lesson plan with templates to use with students (Lesson can be used for observation)
Vocabulary work
Stink Hamlet and Cheese by Megan McDonald is a delightful children's book that follows the adventures of Stink Moody, a curious and imaginative boy with a passion for Shakespeare. When Stink's school decides to put on a production of "Hamlet,". more