This section contains personal information about Notary Ralko Vassily Vassilyevich: biography, copies of Certificates and video.
Honoured Lawyer of the RF, Notary in Moscow
Ralko Vassily Vassilyevich
Was born on the 7th day of February, 1965, in Minsk Region.
In 1993 – probationer of Moscow notary, and from 1994 to 1997 – Notary of Moscow State Notarial Office No. 1. Since 1997 – is in the capacity of public notary in Moscow.
In 1999 was elected member of the Board of Moscow City Notarial Chamber.
From 2003 is the Member of the Committee for Legislative and Methodological Work of Moscow City Notarial Chamber.
At present time – Professor, Chief of the Department of Notariat of Russian Academy of Advocateship and Notariat. In 2006 is a member of the Board of Moscow City Notarial Chamber and was elected its Vice-Prsident.
In 2008 was elected President of Moscow City Notarial Chamber, and in 2009 – Member of the Board of Federal Notarial Chamber. At his initiative in the premises of Moscow City Notarial Chamber there is organized a receiving office for rendering gratuitous legal aid to population.
Since 2000 till present time he has been acting as assistant of RF State Duma deputy V.Ya.Komissarov. Is member of the Board of the Association of Lawyers of Russia.
On September 23, 2010 Ralko V.V., Notary in Moscow defended dissertation thesis on the theme: «Theory of Notariat Legal Activity» and was awarded academic degree of Doctor of Law Sciences.
On March 16, 2011 by the Decree of the RF President Vassily Vassilyevich Ralko was awarded the degree «Honoured Lawyer of the Russian Federation».
He takes active part in the arrangements to advance legal culture of citizens, appearing in mass media and explaining the provisions of the legislation. During the whole period of activity he has been the probationers’ adviser.
V.V.Ralko is the author of articles, monographs, publications in the field of notariat (more than 50 works).
He is awarded medal of Moscow City Notarial Chamber of the 1st grade «For Perfect Service and Loyalty to Profession», the mark «Honorary Advocate of Russia», the jubilee mark of the Main Department of Home Affairs for the city of Moscow «In Honor of 40 years from the day of establishment of Militia for Protection of Diplomatic Representations».
V.V.Ralko is married, he has four children and three grand-children. He has command of spoken Spanish and English.
License: N 000392 dated 10.02.94
Order: N 127-ч dated 01.10.97