A living will is a legal document that describes your treatment preferences in end-of-life situations.
Arkansas law says that any person of sound mind and who is 18 years of age or older can make a declaration or statement that will tell a physician and the person’s family what he wants done in his medical treatment if he becomes terminally ill or permanently unconscious.
The declaration must be in writing and signed by the person that wants to choose what happens to himself and by two witnesses. This form will produce a personalized Declaration Relating to Use of Life-Sustaining Treatment (also called a Living Will) either directing your attending physician to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatments should you become permanently unconscious OR directing your attending physician to use every means reasonably available to sustain your life regardless of your prognosis.
The form below will produce a personalized Declaration Relating to Use of Life-Sustaining Treatment (also called a Living Will) directing your attending physician to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatments should you become permanently unconscious.
This link will lead you to a packet that will help you create your personalized Declaration Relating to Use of Life-Sustaining Treatment, or Living Will, for all means and does NOT include a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) clause.