The Parent Concerns Questionnaire: A Reliable and Valid Common Assessment Framework for Child and Family Social Care

Michael Sheppard, The Parent Concerns Questionnaire: A Reliable and Valid Common Assessment Framework for Child and Family Social Care, The British Journal of Social Work, Volume 40, Issue 2, March 2010, Pages 371–390,

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A major government inspired effort to improve standardisation of practice has, in recent years led to the development of key instruments to guide assessment and intervention in child and family social care. This has occurred against a background of the development of an increased policy emphasis on prevention, appropriate responses to need, information exchange, and evidence based practice. The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) has been developed for widespread use by various practitioners/professionals in relation to work with children and families with ‘additional needs’ but below the level of child protection. However amongst the criticisms of CAF is that it has no demonstrated reliability and validity. The Parent Concerns Questionnaire (PCQ) has been developed in research on child and family social care. It is an instrument generically applicable to this area, and consistent with the framework used in CAF and the Common Assessment Framework. This article reports on extensive tests of reliability and validity of PCQ. The PCQ is shown to have face, concurrent and construct validity, and internal and test-retest reliability in child and family social care populations. The implications of this, and potential use, for practice are discussed.

© The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The British Association of Social Workers. All rights reserved.