RoboDK API examples

The following examples show some basic usage of RoboDK. The examples explained in this section are available with the default RoboDK download.

The station files for each of these examples can be accessed through File->Open, then, select the appropriate example in the default library folder.

Weld example

Shows how to program a robot to move along an hexagonal path

Robot model

Shows how to model a robot using the Denavit-Hartenberg table

Pick and place example

Uses Python to program a robot for a Pick and place application

Drawing example

Shows how to simulate a drawing application with a robot reference

Shows the available API functions to interact between Python and RoboDK reference

Basic tools for robotics: homogeneous matrix transormations, 3D projections, .

Weld example

This example shows an advanced pick and place application. In this example, placing all the objects is automatically done through Python. We can place any object programmatically thanks to our Python API. Using the Python API we can create, modify or delete any objects. Additionally, we can also program the robot moves in the same Python script, this will allow us to automatically generate the robot program.

from robolink import * # API to communicate with RoboDK from robodk import * # basic matrix operations # Any interaction with RoboDK must be done through # Robolink() RL = Robolink() # get the robot item: robot = RL.Item('KUKA KR 6 R900 sixx') # get the home target and the welding targets: home = RL.Item('Home') target = RL.Item('Target 1') # get the pose of the target (4x4 matrix): poseref = target.Pose() # move the robot to home, then to the center: robot.MoveJ(home) robot.MoveJ(target) # make an hexagon around the center: for i in range(7): ang = i*2*pi/6 #angle: 0, 60, 120, . posei = poseref*rotz(ang)*transl(200,0,0)*rotz(-ang) robot.MoveL(posei) # move back to the center, then home: robot.MoveL(target) robot.MoveJ(home)

Robot modeling example

#type help("robolink") or help("robodk") for more information #(note: you do not need to keep a copy of this file, your python script is saved with the station) from robolink import * # API to communicate with robodk from robodk import * # basic matrix operations RL = Robolink() def FK_Robot(dh_table, joints): """Computes the forward kinematics of the robot. dh_table must be in mm and radians, the joints vector must be in degrees.""" Habs = [] Hrel = [] nlinks = len(dh_table) HiAbs = eye(4) for i in range(nlinks): [rz,tx,tz,rx] = dh_table[i] rz = rz + joints[i]*pi/180 Hi = dh(rz,tx,tz,rx) HiAbs = HiAbs*Hi Hrel.append(Hi) Habs.append(HiAbs) return [HiAbs, Habs, Hrel] def Frames_setup_absolute(frameparent, nframes): """Adds nframes to frameparent""" frames = [] for i in range(nframes): newframe = frameparent.RL().AddFrame('frame %i' % (i+1), frameparent) newframe.setPose(transl(0,0,100*i)) frames.append(newframe) return frames def Frames_setup_relative(frameparent, nframes): """Adds nframes cascaded to frameparent""" frames = [] parent = frameparent for i in range(nframes): newframe = frameparent.RL().AddFrame('frame %i' % (i+1), parent) parent = newframe newframe.setPose(transl(0,0,100)) frames.append(newframe) return frames def Set_Items_Pose(itemlist, poselist): """Sets the pose (3D position) of each item in itemlist""" for item, pose in zip(itemlist,poselist): item.setPose(pose) def are_equal(j1, j2): """Returns True if j1 and j2 are equal, False otherwise""" if j1 is None or j2 is None: return False sum_diffs_abs = sum(abs(a - b) for a, b in zip(j1, j2)) if sum_diffs_abs > 1e-3: return False return True #----------------------------------------------------- # DH table of the robot: ABB IRB 120-3/0.6 DH_Table = [] # rZ (theta), tX, tZ, rX (alpha) DH_Table.append([ 0, 0, 290, -90*pi/180]) DH_Table.append([ -90*pi/180, 270, 0, 0]) DH_Table.append([ 0, 70, 0, -90*pi/180]) DH_Table.append([ 0, 0, 302, 90*pi/180]) DH_Table.append([ 0, 0, 0, -90*pi/180]) DH_Table.append([ 180*pi/180, 0, 72, 0]) # degrees of freedom: (6 for ABB IRB 120-3/0.6) DOFs = len(DH_Table) # get the robot: robot = RL.Item('ABB IRB 120-3/0.6') # cleanup of all items containing "Mirror tests" while True: todelete = RL.Item('Robot base') # make sure an item was found if not todelete.Valid(): break # delete only frames if todelete.Type() == ITEM_CASE_FRAME: print('Deleting: ' + todelete.Name()) todelete.Delete() # setup the parent frames for the test: parent_frameabs = RL.AddFrame('Robot base (absolute frames)') parent_framerel = RL.AddFrame('Robot base (relative frames)') # setup the child frames for the test: frames_abs = Frames_setup_absolute(parent_frameabs, DOFs) frames_rel = Frames_setup_relative(parent_framerel, DOFs) last_joints = None tic() while True: # get the current robot joints joints = tr(robot.Joints()) joints = joints.rows[0] # do not repaint if joints are the same if are_equal(joints, last_joints): continue # if joints changed, compute the forward kinematics for this position [Hrobot, HabsList, HrelList] = FK_Robot(DH_Table, joints) # turn off rendering after every Item call while we update all frames: RL.Render(False) # update all frames Set_Items_Pose(frames_abs, HabsList) Set_Items_Pose(frames_rel, HrelList) # render and turn on rendering RL.Render(True) last_joints = joints # display some information: toc() print('Current robot joints:') print(joints) print('Pose of the robot (forward kinematics):') print(Hrobot) print('\n\n')

Pick and place

#type help("robolink") or help("robodk") for more information #(note: you do not need to keep a copy of this file, your python script is saved with the station) from robolink import * # API to communicate with robodk from robodk import * # basic matrix operations # Setup global parameters BALL_DIAMETER = 100 # diameter of one ball APPROACH = 100 # approach distance with the robot, in mm nTCPs = 6 # number of TCP's in the tool def box_calc(BALLS_SIDE=4, BALLS_MAX=None): """Calculates a list of points (ball center) as if the balls were stored in a box""" if BALLS_MAX is None: BALLS_MAX = BALLS_SIDE**3 xyz_list = [] for h in range(BALLS_SIDE): for i in range(BALLS_SIDE): for j in range(BALLS_SIDE): xyz_list = xyz_list + [[(i+0.5)*BALL_DIAMETER, (j+0.5)*BALL_DIAMETER, (h+0.5)*BALL_DIAMETER]] if len(xyz_list) >= BALLS_MAX: return xyz_list return xyz_list def pyramid_calc(BALLS_SIDE=4): """Calculates a list of points (ball center) as if the balls were place in a pyramid""" #the number of balls can be calculated as: int(BALLS_SIDE*(BALLS_SIDE+1)*(2*BALLS_SIDE+1)/6) BALL_DIAMETER = 100 xyz_list = [] sqrt2 = 2**(0.5) for h in range(BALLS_SIDE): for i in range(BALLS_SIDE-h): for j in range(BALLS_SIDE-h): height = h*BALL_DIAMETER/sqrt2 + BALL_DIAMETER/2 xyz_list = xyz_list + [[i*BALL_DIAMETER + (h+1)*BALL_DIAMETER*0.5, j*BALL_DIAMETER + (h+1)*BALL_DIAMETER*0.5, height]] return xyz_list def balls_setup(frame, positions): """Place a list of balls in a reference frame. The reference object (ball) must have been previously copied to the clipboard.""" nballs = len(positions) step = 1/(nballs - 1) for i in range(nballs): newball = frame.Paste() newball.setName('ball ' + str(i)) #set item name newball.setPose(transl(positions[i])) #set item position with respect to parent newball.setVisible(True, False) #make item visible but hide the reference frame newball.Recolor([1-step*i, step*i, 0.2, 1]) #set RGBA color def cleanup_balls(parentnodes): """Deletes all child items whose name starts with \"ball\", from the provided list of parent items.""" todelete = [] for item in parentnodes: todelete.append(item.Childs()) todelete = robottool.Childs() + frame1.Childs() + frame2.Childs() for item in todelete: if item.Name().startswith('ball'): item.Delete() def TCP_On(toolitem, tcp_id): """Attaches the closest object to the toolitem Htool pose, furthermore, it will output appropriate function calls on the generated robot program (call to TCP_On)""" toolitem.AttachClosest() toolitem.RL().RunMessage('Set air valve %i on' % (tcp_id+1)) toolitem.RL().RunProgram('TCP_On(%i)' % (tcp_id+1)); def TCP_Off(toolitem, tcp_id, itemleave=0): """Detaches the closest object attached to the toolitem Htool pose, furthermore, it will output appropriate function calls on the generated robot program (call to TCP_Off)""" toolitem.DetachClosest(itemleave) toolitem.RL().RunMessage('Set air valve %i off' % (tcp_id+1)) toolitem.RL().RunProgram('TCP_Off(%i)' % (tcp_id+1)); #---------------------------------------------------------- # the program starts here: # Start the API with RoboDK RL = Robolink() # Turn off automatic rendering (faster) RL.Render(False) #RL.Set_Simulation_Speed(500); # controls the simulation speed # Gather required items from the station tree robot = RL.Item('Fanuc M-710iC/50') robottool = RL.Item('Tool') frame1 = RL.Item('Table 1') frame2 = RL.Item('Table 2') # Copy a ball ballref = RL.Item('reference ball') ballref.Copy() # Run a station program to replace the two tables prog_reset = RL.Item('Replace objects') prog_reset.RunProgram() # Call custom procedure to remove old objects cleanup_balls([robottool, frame1, frame2]) # Make a list of positions to place the objects frame1_list = pyramid_calc(4) frame2_list = pyramid_calc(4) # Programmatically place the objects with a custom-made procedure balls_setup(frame1, frame1_list) # Turn on automatic rendering RL.Render(True) # Calculate tool frames for the suction cup tool of 6 suction cups TCPs = [] for i in range(nTCPs): TCPs = TCPs + [transl(0,0,100)*rotz((360/nTCPs)*i*pi/180)*transl(125,0,0)*roty(pi/2)] # Move balls robot.setTool(robottool) # this is automatic if there is only one tool nballs_frame1 = len(frame1_list) nballs_frame2 = len(frame2_list) idTake = nballs_frame1 - 1 idLeave = 0 idTCP = 0 target_app_frame = transl(2*BALL_DIAMETER, 2*BALL_DIAMETER, 4*BALL_DIAMETER)*roty(pi)*transl(0,0,-APPROACH) while idTake >= 0: # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # first priority: grab as many balls as possible # the tool is empty at this point, so take as many balls as possible (up to a maximum of 6 -> nTCPs) ntake = min(nTCPs, idTake + 1) # approach to frame 1 robot.setFrame(frame1) robottool.setHtool(TCPs[0]) robot.MoveJ([0,0,0,0,10,-200]) robot.MoveJ(target_app_frame) # grab ntake balls from frame 1 for i in range(ntake): Htool = TCPs[i] robottool.setHtool(Htool) # calculate target wrt frame1: rotation about Y is needed since Z and X axis are inverted target = transl(frame1_list[idTake])*roty(pi)*rotx(30*pi/180) target_app = target*transl(0,0,-APPROACH) idTake = idTake - 1 robot.MoveL(target_app) robot.MoveL(target) TCP_On(robottool, i) robot.MoveL(target_app) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # second priority: unload the tool # approach to frame 2 and place the tool balls into table 2 robottool.setHtool(TCPs[0]) robot.MoveJ(target_app_frame) robot.MoveJ([0,0,0,0,10,-200]) robot.setFrame(frame2) robot.MoveJ(target_app_frame) for i in range(ntake): Htool = TCPs[i] robottool.setHtool(Htool) if idLeave > nballs_frame2-1: raise Exception("No room left to place objects in Frame 2") # calculate target wrt frame1: rotation of 180 about Y is needed since Z and X axis are inverted target = transl(frame2_list[idLeave])*roty(pi)*rotx(30*pi/180) target_app = target*transl(0,0,-APPROACH) idLeave = idLeave + 1 robot.MoveL(target_app) robot.MoveL(target) TCP_Off(robottool, i, frame2) robot.MoveL(target_app) robot.MoveJ(target_app_frame) # Move home when the robot finishes robot.MoveJ([0,0,0,0,10,-200])

Drawing with a robot

#type help("robolink") or help("robodk") for more information #(note: you do not need to keep a copy of this file, your python script is saved with the station) from robolink import * # API to communicate with robodk from robodk import * # basic matrix operations import sys import os import re #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function definitions: def point2D_2_pose(point, tangent): """Converts a 2D point to a 3D pose in the XY plane (4x4 homogeneous matrix)""" return transl(point.x, point.y, 0)*rotz(tangent.angle()) def svg_draw_quick(svg_img, board, pix_ref): """Quickly shows the image result without checking the robot movements.""" RL.Render(False) count = 0 for path in svg_img: count = count + 1 # use the pixel reference to set the path color, set pixel width and copy as a reference pix_ref.Recolor(path.fill_color) np = path.nPoints() print('drawing path %i/%i' % (count, len(svg_img))) for i in range(np): p_i = path.getPoint(i) v_i = path.getVector(i) pt_pose = point2D_2_pose(p_i, v_i) # add the pixel geometry to the drawing board object, at the calculated pixel pose board.AddGeometry(pix_ref, pt_pose) RL.Render(True) def svg_draw_robot(svg_img, board, pix_ref, item_frame, item_tool, robot): """Draws the image with the robot. It is slower that svg_draw_quick but it makes sure that the image can be drawn with the robot.""" APPROACH = 100 # approach distance in MM for each path home_joints = [0,0,0,0,90,0] # home joints, in deg robot.setFrame(item_frame) robot.setTool(item_tool) robot.MoveJ(home_joints) # get the target orientation depending on the tool orientation at home position orient_frame2tool = invH(item_frame.Pose())*robot.SolveFK(home_joints)*item_tool.Pose() orient_frame2tool[0:3,3] = Mat([0,0,0]) # alternative: orient_frame2tool = roty(pi) for path in svg_img: # use the pixel reference to set the path color, set pixel width and copy as a reference print('Drawing %s, RGB color = [%.3f,%.3f,%.3f]'%(path.idname, path.fill_color[0], path.fill_color[1], path.fill_color[2])) pix_ref.Recolor(path.fill_color) np = path.nPoints() # robot movement: approach to the first target p_0 = path.getPoint(0) target0 = transl(p_0.x, p_0.y, 0)*orient_frame2tool target0_app = target0*transl(0,0,-APPROACH) robot.MoveL(target0_app) RL.RunMessage('Drawing %s' % path.idname); RL.RunProgram('SetColorRGB(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)' % (path.fill_color[0], path.fill_color[1], path.fill_color[2])) for i in range(np): p_i = path.getPoint(i) v_i = path.getVector(i) pt_pose = point2D_2_pose(p_i, v_i) # robot movement: target = transl(p_i.x, p_i.y, 0)*orient_frame2tool #keep the tool orientation constant #target = pt_pose*orient_frame2tool #moving the tool along the path (axis 6 may reach its limits) robot.MoveL(target) # create a new pixel object with the calculated pixel pose board.AddGeometry(pix_ref, pt_pose) target_app = target*transl(0,0,-APPROACH) robot.MoveL(target_app) robot.MoveL(home_joints) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Program start RL = Robolink() # locate and import the svgpy module path_stationfile = RL.getParam('PATH_OPENSTATION') sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(path_stationfile)) # temporary add path to import station modules from svgpy.svg import * # select the file to draw svgfile = path_stationfile + '/World map.svg' #svgfile = path_stationfile + '/RoboDK text.svg' # import the SVG file svgdata = svg_load(svgfile) IMAGE_SIZE = Point(1000,2000) # size of the image in MM MM_X_PIXEL = 10 # in mm the path will be cut is depending on the pixel size svgdata.calc_polygon_fit(IMAGE_SIZE, MM_X_PIXEL) size_img = svgdata.size_poly() # returns the size of the current polygon # get the robot, frame and tool objects robot = RL.Item('ABB IRB 4600-20/2.50') framedraw = RL.Item('Frame draw') tooldraw = RL.Item('Tool') # get the pixel reference to draw pixel_ref = RL.Item('pixel') # delete previous image if any image = RL.Item('Board & image') if image.Valid() and image.Type() == ITEM_CASE_OBJECT: image.Delete() # make a drawing board base on the object reference "Blackboard 250mm" board_1m = RL.Item('Blackboard 250mm') board_1m.Copy() board_draw = framedraw.Paste() board_draw.setName('Board & image') board_draw.Scale([size_img.x/250, size_img.y/250, 1]) # adjust the board size to the image size (scale) # quickly show the final result without checking the robot movements: #svg_draw_quick(svgdata, board_draw, pixel_ref) # draw the image with the robot: svg_draw_robot(svgdata, board_draw, pixel_ref, framedraw, tooldraw, robot)

robolink - Python API for RoboDK

class Robolink(builtins.object) | This class is the link to allows to create macros and automate Robodk. | Any interaction is made through "items" (Item() objects). An item is an object in the | robodk tree (it can be either a robot, an object, a tool, a frame, a | program, . ). | | Methods defined here: | | AddFile(self, filename, parent=0) | Loads a file and attaches it to parent. It can be any file supported by robodk. | Timeout may have to be increased if big files are loaded. | In 1 : string -> absolute path of the file | In 2 (optiona): item -> parent to attach | Out 1 : item -> added item (0 if failed) | Example: | RL = Robolink() | item = Add_File(r'C:\Users\Name\Desktop\object.step') | RL.Set_Pose(item, transl(100,50,500)) | | AddFrame(self, name, itemparent=0) | Adds a new Frame that can be referenced by a robot. | In 1 : string -> name of the frame | In 2 (optional): item -> parent to attach to (such as the rrobot base frame) | Out 1 : item -> the new item created | | AddProgram(self, name, itemrobot=0) | Adds a new program. | In 1 : string -> name of the program | In 2 (optional): item -> robot that will be used | Out 1 : item -> the new item created | | AddTarget(self, name, itemparent=0, itemrobot=0) | Adds a new target that can be reached with a robot. | In 1 : string -> name of the target | In 2 (optional): item -> parent to attach to (such as a frame) | In 3 (optional): item -> main robot that will be used to go to self target | Out 1 : item -> the new item created | | Collision(self) | Returns the number of pairs of objects that are currently in a collision state. | | Collision_Line(self, p1, p2, ref=eye(4)) | Checks the collision between a line and the station. The line is composed by 2 points. | In 1 : p1 -> start point of the line | In 2 : p2 -> end point of the line | In 3 : pose (optional) -> reference of the 2 points | Out 1 : collision -> True if there is a collision, False otherwise | Out 2 : item -> Item collided | Out 3 : point -> collision point (station reference) | | Connect(self) | Establishes a connection with robodk. robodk must be running, otherwise, the variable APPLICATION_DIR must be set properly. | If the connection succeededs it returns 1, otherwise it returns 0 | | Copy(self, item) | Makes a copy of an item (same as Ctrl+C), which can be pasted (Ctrl+V) using Paste_Item(). | In 1 : item | Example: | RL = Robolink() | object = RL.Item('My Object'); | object.Copy() #RL.Copy(object); also works | newobject = RL.Paste(); | newobject.setName('My Object (copy 1)'); | newobject = RL.Paste(); | newobject.setName('My Object (copy 2)'); | | Item(self, name, itemtype=None) | Returns an item by its name. If there is no exact match it will return the last closest match. | Specify what type of item you are looking for with itemtype. This is useful if 2 items have the same name but different type. | (check variables ITEM_TYPE_*) | Example: | RL = Robolink() | item = RL.Get_Item('Robot') | item2 = RL.Get_Item('Robot', ITEM_TYPE_ROBOT) | | ItemList(self, filter=None) | Returns a list of names of all available items in the currently open station in robodk. Optionally, use a filter to return specific items (fore example filter = ITEM_CASE_ROBOT) | | ItemUserPick(self, message='Pick one item', itemtype=None) | Shows a RoboDK popup to select one object from the open station. | An item type can be specified to filter desired items. If no type is specified, all items are selectable. | (check variables ITEM_TYPE_*) | Example: | RL.ItemUserPick("Pick a robot", ITEM_TYPE_ROBOT) | | LaserTracker_Measure(self, estimate=[0, 0, 0], search=False) | Takes a laser tracker measurement with respect to the reference frame. If an estimate point is provided, the laser tracker will first move to those coordinates. If search is True, the tracker will search for a target. | Returns the XYZ coordinates of target if it was found. Othewise it retuns None. | | Paste(self, toparent=0) | Pastes the copied item (same as Ctrl+V). Needs to be used after Copy_Item(). See Copy_Item() for an example. | In 1 (optional): item -> parent to paste to | | Raise(self) | Raises the RoboDK window | | Render(self, always_render=False) | Renders the scene. This function turns off rendering unless always_render is set to true. | | RunCode(self, code, code_is_fcn_call=False) | Adds code to run in the program output. If the program exists it will also run the program in simulate mode. | In 1 : code -> string of the code or program to run | In 2 : code_is_fcn_call -> True if the code corresponds to a function call (same as RunProgram), if so, RoboDK will handle the syntax when the code is generated for a specific robot | Out 1 : this function always returns 0 | | RunMessage(self, message, message_is_comment=False) | Shows a message or a comment in the output robot program. | In 1 : string -> message or comment to show in the teach pendant | Out 1 : int -> if message_is_comment is set to True (or 1) the message will appear only as a comment in the code | | RunMode(self) | Returns the behavior of the script. By default, robodk shows the path simulation for movement instructions (run_mode=1). | If run_mode = 2, the script is performing a quick check to see if the path is feasible (usually managed by the GUI). | If run_mode = 3, the script is generating the robot program (usually managed by the GUI). | Out 1 : int = RUNMODE | RUNMODE_SIMULATE=1 performs the simulation moving the robot (default) | RUNMODE_QUICKVALIDATE=2 performs a quick check to validate the robot movements | RUNMODE_MAKE_ROBOTPROG=3 makes the robot program | RUNMODE_RUN_REAL=4 moves the real robot is it is connected | | RunProgram(self, fcn_param) | Adds a function call in the program output. RoboDK will handle the syntax when the code is generated for a specific robot. If the program exists it will also run the program in simulate mode. | In 1 : fcn call -> string of the program to run | Out 1 : this function always returns 0 | | Set_connection_params(self, safe_mode=1, auto_update=0, timeout=None) | Sets some behavior parameters: SAFE_MODE, AUTO_UPDATE and TIMEOUT. | SAFE_MODE checks that item pointers provided by the user are valid. | AUTO_UPDATE checks that item pointers provided by the user are valid. | TIMEOUT is the timeout to wait for a response. Increase if you experience problems loading big files. | If connection failed returns 0. | In 1 (optional) : int -> SAFE_MODE (1=yes, 0=no) | In 2 (optional) : int -> AUTO_UPDATE (1=yes, 0=no) | In 3 (optional) : int -> TIMEOUT (1=yes, 0=no) | Out 1 : int -> connection status (1=ok, 0=problems) | Example: | Set_connection_params(0,0); # Use for speed. Render() must be called to refresh the window. | Set_connection_params(1,1); # Default behavior. Updates every time. | | ShowMessage(self, message) | | ShowSequence(self, matrix) | Displays a sequence of joints | In 1 : joint sequence as a 6xN matrix or instruction sequence as a 7xN matrix | | SimulationSpeed(self) | Gets the current simulation speed. Set the speed to 1 for a real-time simulation. | | getParam(self, param='PATH_OPENSTATION') | Gets a global or a user parameter from the open RoboDK station. | The parameters can also be modified by right clicking the station and selecting "shared parameters" | In 1 : string = parameter | Out 1 : string = value | Available parameters: | PATH_OPENSTATION = folder path of the current .stn file | FILE_OPENSTATION = file path of the current .stn file | PATH_DESKTOP = folder path of the user's folder | Other parameters can be added or modified by the user | | getParams(self) | Gets all the user parameters from the open RoboDK station. | The parameters can also be modified by right clicking the station and selecting "shared parameters" | Out 1 : list of pairs of strings | User parameters can be added or modified by the user | | setParam(self, param, value) | Sets a global parameter from the RoboDK station. If the parameters exists, it will be modified. If not, it will be added to the station. | The parameters can also be modified by right clicking the station and selecting "shared parameters" | In 1 : string = parameter | In 2 : string = value | Available parameters: | PATH_OPENSTATION = folder path of the current .stn file | FILE_OPENSTATION = file path of the current .stn file | PATH_DESKTOP = folder path of the user's folder | Other parameters can be added or modified by the user | | setPoses(self, items, poses) | Sets the relative positions (poses) of a list of items with respect to their parent. For example, the position of an object/frame/target with respect to its parent. | Use this function instead of setPose() for faster rendering. | In 1 : List of items | In 2 : List of poses | | setPosesAbs(self, items, poses) | Sets the absolute positions (poses) of a list of items with respect to the station reference. For example, the position of an object/frame/target with respect to its parent. | Use this function instead of setPose() for faster rendering. | In 1 : List of items | In 2 : List of poses | | setRunMode(self, run_mode=1) | Sets the behavior of the script. By default, robodk shows the path simulation for movement instructions (run_mode=1). | Setting the run_mode to 2 allows to perform a quick check to see if the path is feasible. | In 1 : int = RUNMODE | RUNMODE_SIMULATE=1 performs the simulation moving the robot (default) | RUNMODE_QUICKVALIDATE=2 performs a quick check to validate the robot movements | RUNMODE_MAKE_ROBOTPROG=3 makes the robot program | RUNMODE_RUN_REAL=4 moves the real robot is it is connected | | setSimulationSpeed(self, speed) | Sets the current simulation speed. Set the speed to 1 for a real-time simulation. The slowest speed allowed is 0.001 times the real speed. Set to a high value (>100) for fast simulation results. class Item(builtins.object) | The Item class represents an item in RoboDK station. An item can be a robot, a frame, a tool, an object, a target, . any item visible in the station tree. | An item can also be seen as a node where other items can be attached to (child items). | Every item has one parent item/node and can have one or more child items/nodes | | Methods defined here: | | AddGeometry(self, fromitem, pose) | Makes a copy of the geometry fromitem adding it at a given position (pose) relative to this item. | | AttachClosest(self) | Attaches the closest object to the provided tool (see also: Set_Parent_Static). | Out : item -> returns the item that was attached (item.Valid() is False if none found) | | Busy(self) | Checks if a robot is currently moving. | Out 1 : int -> busy status (1=moving, 0=stopped) | | Childs(self) | Returns a list of the item childs that are attached to the provided item. | Out : item x n -> list of child items | | Copy(self) | Copy the item to the clipboard (same as Ctrl+C). Use together with Paste() to duplicate items. | | Delete(self) | Deletes an item and its childs from the station. | In 1 : item -> item to delete | | DetachAll(self, parent=0) | Detaches any object attached to a tool (see also: setParentStatic). | In 1 : item (optional) -> parent to leave the objects | | DetachClosest(self, parent=0) | Detaches the closest object attached to the tool (see also: setParentStatic). | In 1 : parent item (optional) -> parent to leave the object. | | Htool(self) | Returns the tool pose of an item. | Out 1 : 4x4 homogeneous matrix (pose) | | Instruction(self, ins_id) | Returns the program instruction at position id. | | InstructionCount(self) | Returns the number of instructions of a program. | | JointLimits(self) | Returns the joint limits of a robot. | | Joints(self) | Returns the current joints of a robot or the joints of a target. If the item is a cartesian target, it returns the preferred joints (configuration) to go to that cartesian position. | Out 1 : double x n -> joints matrix | Example to convert a nx1 joint Matrix to a vector: | joints = tr(robot.Joints()) | joints = joints.rows[0] | | MakeProgram(self, filestr) | Saves a program to a file. | Out 1 : int -> number of instructions that can be executed | | MoveJ(self, target, blocking=True) | Moves a robot to a specific target ("Move Joint" mode). self function blocks until the robot finishes its movements. | In 1 : joints/pose/item -> target to move to. It can be the robot joints (Nx1 or 1xN), the pose (4x4) or an item (item pointer) | In 2 (optional): blocking -> True if we want the instruction to wait until the robot finished the movement (default=True) | | MoveJ_Collision(self, j1, j2, minstep_deg=-1) | Checks if a joint movement is free of collision. | In 1 : joints -> start joints | In 2 : joints -> destination joints | In 3 (optional): maximum joint step in degrees | Out : collision : returns 0 if the movement is free of collision. Otherwise it returns the number of pairs of objects that collided if there was a collision. | | MoveL(self, target, blocking=True) | Moves a robot to a specific target ("Move Linear" mode). self function waits (blocks) until the robot finishes its movements. | In 1 : joints/pose/item -> target to move to. It can be the robot joints (Nx1 or 1xN), the pose (4x4) or an item (item pointer) | In 2 (optional): blocking -> True if we want the instruction to wait until the robot finished the movement (default=True) | | MoveL_Collision(self, j1, pose, minstep_deg=-1) | Checks if a joint movement is free of collision. | In 1 : joints -> start joints | In 2 : pose -> destination pose | In 3 (optional): maximum joint step in degrees | Out : collision : returns 0 if the movement is free of collision. Otherwise it returns the number of pairs of objects that collided if there was a collision. | if the robot can not reach the target pose it returns -2. If the robot can reach the target but it can not make a linear movement it returns -1 | | Name(self) | Returns the name of an item. The name of the item is always displayed in the RoboDK station tree | Out : name (string) | | Parent(self) | Returns the parent item of the item. | Out : parent -> parent of the item | | Paste(self) | Paste the item from the clipboard as a child of this item (same as Ctrl+V) | Out 1: item -> new item pasted (created) | | Pose(self) | Returns the local position (pose) of an item. For example, the position of an object/frame/target with respect to its parent. | Out : 4x4 homogeneous matrix (pose) | | PoseAbs(self) | Returns the global position (pose) of an item. For example, the position of an object/frame/target with respect to the station origin. | Out 1 : 4x4 homogeneous matrix (pose) | | RL(self) | Returns the RoboDK link Robolink(). | | Recolor(self, tocolor, fromcolor=None, tolerance=None) | Changes the color of a robot/object/tool. A color must must in the format COLOR=[R,G,B,(A=1)] where all values range from 0 to 1. | Alpha (A) defaults to 1 (100% opaque). Set A to 0 to make an object transparent. | In 1 : color -> color to change to | In 2 (optional): color -> filter by self color | In 3 (optional): int -> optional tolerance to use if a color filter is used (defaults to 0.1) | | RunProgram(self) | Runs a program. It returns the number of instructions that can be executed successfully (a quick check is performed before the program starts) | This is a non-blocking call. | Out 1 : int -> number of instructions that can be executed | | Scale(self, scale) | Apply a scale to an object to make it bigger or smaller. | the scale can be uniform (if scale is a float value) or per axis (if scale is a vector [scale_x, scale_y, scale_z]). | In 1 : scale -> scale to apply | | ShowSequence(self, matrix) | Displays a sequence of joints | In 1 : joint sequence as a 6xN matrix or instruction sequence as a 7xN matrix | | SolveFK(self, joints) | Computes the forward kinematics of the robot for the provided joints. | In 1 : double x n -> joints | Out 1 : 4x4 matrix -> pose of the robot tool with respect to the robot frame | | SolveIK(self, pose) | Computes the inverse kinematics for the specified robot and pose. The joints returned are the closest to the current robot configuration (see SolveIK_All()). | In 1 : 4x4 matrix -> pose of the robot tool with respect to the robot frame | Out 1 : double x n -> joints | | SolveIK_All(self, pose) | Computes the inverse kinematics for the specified robot and pose. The function returns all available joint solutions as a 2D matrix. | In 1 : 4x4 matrix -> pose of the robot tool with respect to the robot frame | Out 1 : double x n x m -> joint list (2D matrix) | | Type(self) | Returns an integer that represents the type of the item (robot, object, tool, frame, . ) | Compare the returned value to ITEM_CASE_* variables | | Valid(self) | Checks if the item is valid. An invalid item will be returned by an unsuccessful function call. | | Visible(self) | Returns 1 if the item is visible, otherwise, returns 0. | Out : int -> visible (1) or not visible (0) | | WaitMove(self, timeout=300) | Waits (blocks) until the robot finishes its movement. | In 1 (optional): timeout -> Max time to wait for robot to finish its movement (in seconds) | | addMoveJ(self, itemtarget) | Adds a new robot move joint instruction to a program. | In 1 : item -> target to move to | | addMoveL(self, itemtarget) | Adds a new robot move linear instruction to a program. | In 1 : item -> target to move to | | setAsCartesianTarget(self) | Sets a target as a cartesian target. A cartesian target moves to cartesian coordinates. | | setAsJointTarget(self) | Sets a target as a joint target. A joint target moves to a joints position without regarding the cartesian coordinates. | | setFrame(self, frame) | Sets the frame of a robot (user frame). The frame can be either an item or a 4x4 Matrix. | If "frame" is an item, it links the robot to the frame item. If frame is a 4x4 Matrix, it updates the linked pose of the robot frame. | In 1 : item/pose -> frame item or 4x4 Matrix (pose of the reference frame) | | setHtool(self, pose) | Sets the tool pose of a tool item. | In 1 : 4x4 homogeneous matrix (pose) | | setInstruction(self, ins_id, name, instype, movetype, isjointtarget, target, joints) | Sets the program instruction at position id. | | setJoints(self, joints) | Sets the current joints of a robot or the joints of a target. It the item is a cartesian target, it returns the preferred joints (configuration) to go to that cartesian position. | In 1 : double x n -> joints | | setName(self, name) | Sets the name of an item. | In 1 : name (string) | | setParent(self, parent) | Moves the item to another location item node "parent" (a different parent within the tree) | In 1 : parent -> parent item to attach the item | | setParentStatic(self, parent) | Moves the item to another location (parent) without changing the current position in the station | In 1 : parent -> parent to attach the item | | setPose(self, pose) | Sets the local position (pose) of an item. For example, the position of an object/frame/target with respect to its parent. | In 1 : 4x4 homogeneous matrix (pose) | | setPoseAbs(self, pose) | Sets the global position (pose) of an item. For example, the position of an object/frame/target with respect to the station origin. | In 1 : 4x4 homogeneous matrix (pose) | | setRobot(self, robot=None) | Sets the robot of a program or a target. You must set the robot linked to a program or a target every time you copy paste these objects. | If the robot is not provided, the first available robot will be chosen automatically. | In 1 : robot (optional) -> robot item | | setSpeed(self, speed, accel=-1) | Sets the speed and/or the acceleration of a robot. | In 1 : speed -> speed in mm/s (-1 = no change) | In 2 : accel (optional) -> acceleration in mm/s2 (-1 = no change) | | setTool(self, tool) | Sets the tool pose of a robot. The tool pose can be either an item or a 4x4 Matrix. | If "tool" is an item, it links the robot to the tool item. If tool is a 4x4 Matrix, it updates the linked pose of the robot tool. | In 1 : item/pose -> tool item or 4x4 Matrix (pose of the tool frame) | | setValue(self, varname, value) | Sets a any property value to an item. | In 1 : property name (string) | In 2 : property value | | setVisible(self, visible, visible_frame=None) | Sets the item visiblity status | In 1 : int -> set visible (True or 1) or not visible (False or 0) | In 2 : int (optional) -> set visible frame (True or 1) or not visible (False or 0) | | setZoneData(self, zonedata) | Sets the robot zone data value. | In 1 : zonedata value (int) (robot dependent, set to -1 for fine movements) FUNCTIONS CurrentFile(file='C:\\Python34\\') Returns the current Python file being executed DateCreated(filepath, stringformat=False) Returns the time that a file was modified DateModified(filepath, stringformat=False) Returns the time that a file was modified getBaseName(filepath) Returns the file name and extension of a file path getFileDir(filepath) Returns the directory of a file path getFileName(filepath) Returns the file name (with no extension) of a file path searchfiles(pattern='C:\\RoboDK\\Library\\*.rdk') List the files in a directory with a given extension - Matrix class for robotics

class Mat(builtins.object) | A simple Python matrix class with basic | operations and operator overloading. | | Methods defined here: | | Pos(self) | Returns the position of a pose (assumes that a 4x4 homogeneous matrix is being used) | | catH(self, mat2) | Concatenate with another matrix (horizontal concatenation) | | catV(self, mat2) | Concatenate with another matrix (vertical concatenation) | | copy(self) | | eye(self, m=4) | Make identity matrix of size (mxm) | | invH(self) | Calculates the inverse of a homogeneous matrix | | isHomogeneous(self) | returns 1 if it is a Homogeneous matrix | | save(self, strfile) | | setPos(self, newpos) | Sets the XYZ position of a pose (assumes that a 4x4 homogeneous matrix is being used) | | size(self, dim=None) | Returns the size of a matrix (m,n). | Dim can be set to 1 to return m (rows) or 2 to return n (columns) | | tolist(self) | Returns the first column vector of the matrix as a list | | tr(self) | Returns a transpose of the matrix | FUNCTIONS Motoman_2_Pose(xyzwpr) Converts a Motoman target into a pose. Pose_2_Motoman(H) Converts a pose into a Motoman target. acos(value) Returns the arc cosinus in radians add3(a, b) Adds two 3D vectors c=a+b angle3(a, b) Returns the angle in radians of two 3D vectors angles_2_joints(jin, type) Converts the angles between links into the robot joint space depending on the type of the robot. asin(value) Returns the arc sinus in radians atan2(y, x) Returns angle of a 2D coordinate in the XY plane catH(mat1, mat2) Concatenate 2 matrix (horizontal concatenation) catV(mat1, mat2) Concatenate 2 matrix (vertical concatenation) cos(value) Returns the cosinus of an angle in radians cross(a, b) Returns the cross product of two 3D vectors dh(rz, tx=None, tz=None, rx=None) Returns the Denavit-Hartenberg 4x4 matrix for a robot link. calling dh(rz,tx,tz,rx) is the same as using rotz(rz)*transl(tx,0,tx)*rotx(rx) calling dh(rz,tx,tz,rx) is the same as calling dh([rz,tx,tz,rx]) dhm(rx, tx=None, tz=None, rz=None) Returns the Denavit-Hartenberg Modified 4x4 matrix for a robot link (Craig 1986). calling dhm(rx,tx,tz,rz) is the same as using rotx(rx)*transl(tx,0,tx)*rotz(rz) calling dhm(rx,tx,tz,rz) is the same as calling dhm([rx,tx,tz,rz]) dot(a, b) Returns the dot product of two 3D vectors eye(size=4) Return the identity matrix | 1 0 0 0 | eye() = | 0 1 0 0 | | 0 0 1 0 | | 0 0 0 1 | fitPlane(points) getOpenFile() getSaveFile(strdir='C:\\', strfile='file.txt', strtitle='Save file as . ') intersect_line_2_plane(pline, vline, pplane, vplane) invH(matrix) Calculates the inverse of a homogeneous matrix joints_2_angles(jin, type) Converts the robot joints into angles between links depending on the type of the robot. mbox(msg, b1='OK', b2='Cancel', frame=True, t=False, entry=None) Create an instance of MessageBox, and get data back from the user. msg = string to be displayed b1 = text for left button, or a tuple (, ) b2 = text for right button, or a tuple (, ) frame = include a standard outerframe: True or False t = time in seconds (int or float) until the msgbox automatically closes entry = include an entry widget that will have its contents returned: 'default entry' Examples: mbox('Enter your name', entry=True) mbox('Enter your name', entry='default') mbox('Male or female?', ('male', 'm'), ('female', 'f')) mbox('Process dones') mult3(v, d) Multiplies a 3D vector to a scalar norm(p) Returns the norm of a 3D vector normalize3(a) Returns the unitary vector pause(seconds) Pause in seconds pose_2_quaternion(Ti) pose_2_xyzrpw(H) Calculates the equivalent position and euler angles ([x,y,z,r,p,w] vector) of the given pose Note: transl(x,y,z)*rotz(w*pi/180)*roty(p*pi/180)*rotx(r*pi/180) See also: xyzrpw_2_pose() pose_angle(pose) Returns the angle in radians of a 4x4 matrix pose pose_angle_between(pose1, pose2) Returns the angle in radians between two poses (4x4 matrix pose) print_pose_ABB(pose) proj_pt_2_line(point, paxe, vaxe) proj_pt_2_plane(point, planepoint, planeABC) quaternion_2_pose(qin) rotx(rx) Return a X-axis rotation matrix | 1 0 0 0 | rotx(A) = | 0 cos(A) -sin(A) 0 | | 0 sin(A) cos(A) 0 | | 0 0 0 1 | roty(ry) Return a Y-axis rotation matrix | cos(A) 0 sin(A) 0 | roty(A) = | 0 1 0 0 | | -sin(A) 0 cos(A) 0 | | 0 0 0 1 | rotz(rz) Return a Z-axis rotation matrix | cos(A) -sin(A) 0 0 | rotz(A) = | sin(A) cos(A) 0 0 | | 0 0 1 0 | | 0 0 0 1 | sin(value) Returns the sinus of an angle in radians size(matrix, dim=None) Returns the size of a matrix (m,n). Dim can be set to 1 to return m (rows) or 2 to return n (columns) sqrt(value) Returns the square root of a value subs3(a, b) Subtracts two 3D vectors c=a-b tic() Start a stopwatch timer toc() Read the stopwatch timer tr(matrix) Calculates the transpose of the matrix transl(x, y=None, z=None) Return a translation matrix | 1 0 0 X | transl(X,Y,Z) = | 0 1 0 Y | | 0 0 1 Z | | 0 0 0 1 | xyzrpw_2_pose(xyzrpw) Calculates the pose from the position and euler angles ([x,y,z,r,p,w] vector) The result is the same as calling: H = transl(x,y,z)*rotz(w*pi/180)*roty(p*pi/180)*rotx(r*pi/180) See also: pose_2_xyzrpw() DATA pi = 3.141592653589793