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The State Ethics Commission is required to collect and maintain Statements of Economic Interest (SEIs) and related information. That information is public record and is available to the public upon request.

Persons subject to the State Government Ethics Act must file a Statement of Economic Interest ("SEI") prior to being appointed, employed, or elected and annually by April 15th of each year. The Ethics Commission evaluates SEIs filed by Executive Branch officials, referred to as public servants.

In addition, members of Metropolitan and Rural Planning Organizations ("MPO" and "RPO") Transportation Advisory Committees ("TACs") must file an SEI and a Real Estate Disclosure Form ("RED") prior to being appointed and annually by April 15th.

Finally, judges, legislators, clerks of court, and district attorneys who left office in 2023 must file a Post-Service SEI.

Those who do not file required initial and annual SEIs within 30 days of their receipt of a late notice from the Ethics Commission are subject to a $250 fine. In addition, members of State boards and State employees may be subject to removal from their position for late filing. MPO and RPO TAC members are subject to an additional $250 fine for failure to file a timely RED and may be subject to criminal penalties for late filing of their SEI and RED.

Regular & Post-Service Filers

Select this category if you are filing as a currently serving covered employee, judicial officer, legislator, or serve on a Board or Commission. Also, if you were an elected official who left office in 2023, you must file a regular SEI as a post-service filer.

MPO and RPO Filers

Select this category if you are a member of a Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) or Rural Planning Organization (RPO) Board.