Please take time to read the following information which is designed to help you to write your personal statement effectively.
• Remember, the function of the personal statement is to secure an interview
• Wring value out of every sentence you put in, cut the waffle
• Be clear – don’t make assumptions about the reader’s knowledge
• Use concrete examples. If you did something, say exactly what you did (e.g. As a TA I have supported children to develop a range of skills in mathematics. I used a cookery lesson to teach my Y5 pupils about weighing and measuring and have taught volume and capacity to Y1 pupils as part of a topic on looking after our fish)
• Say what you learned (e.g. Whilst observing in a Y3 class, I was impressed at the way the pupils responded to the Learning Objectives. I understand how important it is to make these explicit as it helps the children to …)
Broadly, the statement should cover these areas:
• Why you want to become a teacher
• your transferable skills, knowledge and experience relevant to teaching and what they will enable you to offer a school
• your philosophy of education – what it’s all about (and this might be where you want to include your thoughts on things like inclusion);
• what other transferable skills, knowledge and experience you can offer, including extra-curricular.
• Try to include something ‘desirable’ – that little something which will make your application stand out e.g. Willing and able to coach the school football or netball team.
Go over the character limit – the form will just cut you off mid-sentence.
• Keep a copy of your application form – you will be asked questions based on it at interview
• Draft your statement on Word first then cut and paste.
• Proof read very carefully – errors in written English are frowned upon
• Get someone else to read over your form before you press send
Good Luck!
“LDBS SCITT was genuinely the best year of my life.” – Jade Corrick