Employment Training Panel Toolkit

ETP's goals are to support job creation and retention, through training. ETP is funded by a special tax on California employers and differs from other workforce development organizations whose emphasis is on pre-employment training. ETP fulfills its mission by reimbursing the cost of employer-driven training for incumbent workers and funding the type of training needed by unemployed workers to re-enter the workforce. Overall, the ETP program helps to ensure that California businesses will have the skilled workers they need to remain competitive.

How is the ETP Funded?

ETP has historically accomplished its mission without appropriations from the State General Fund or alternative sources of funding. The core ETP program is funded by a special Employment Training Tax (ETT) paid by California employers, and only employers subject to this tax directly benefit from the program. In the last few years, however, ETP has received additional funding for alternative programs. The additional funding is provided principally through distributions from the Employment Development Department and the California Energy Commission (CEC). ETP anticipates ongoing commitments for additional funding. Learn more.

Who can participate in the ETP program?

Under its core program, ETP can only fund training for employers that are subject to paying the Employment Training Tax. The core-funded ETP Program is supported by this tax. Eligible entities include: